The Parents’ Corner is an educational resource for families, parents or legal guardians of preschool children, and teachers with the aim of:

  1. strengthening the development of a common understanding of the benefits and philosophy of the introduction of the English language in preschool education,
  2. supporting the cooperation of teachers and parents to promote “continuity” in children’s learning experience and
  3. supporting families in helping children to develop a positive relationship with language learning and to make appropriate use of quality stimuli to enhance preschool children contact with the English language.

More specifically, the Parents’ Corner includes:

  1. support material (presentations, articles, etc.) for the understanding of the importance of introducing the English language in preschools, the basic pedagogical and methodological approaches for the development of creative activities in the English language and their benefits for the overall development of children,
  2. suggestions for creative activities and games which promote the positive interaction of both children and families with the English language, and
  3. useful material and resources, digital and non-digital, to encourage creative engagement with the English language.

As an educational resource, the parents’ corner can be used by teachers to draw ideas and material in order to create activities that can be used by parents at home, but also to support families in general to help children develop a positive attitude towards English in addition to other languages ​​and cultures.